
Some quotes I wrote plus some others I picked up through out the year that I live by.

Daily Motivations

If you are looking for motivation pick your choice and you will be dancing to your own beat the whole day!


Browse and find what works for you.

What is coaching and why do i need a coach

Few Reasons Why You Need A Coach

Coaching is a professional relationship that helps people produce extraordinary results in their lives, careers, businesses or organizations, helping them to bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. 


Everything You Need is in You

You have everything you need to become successful inside you but you were never taught how to unbridle your greatness and I can help you do that if you are ready, are you ready?


For Things to Change You Have to Change

You can only change you. For you to feel loved, appreciated, confident and be the best version of you the first thing you need is not money, time, others to accept or help you but for you to change yourself! Do you want to change you with my help?


Achieve Your Goals in Less Time

What if you can find the tools, techniques and thought processes that will help you achieve your goals in half time than it would normally take? I can provide the techniques that will help you achieve your goals in less time. What are you waiting for?

Client testimonials

What clients are saying about Miriam’s coaching.

Since I started life coaching with Miriam I gain amazing experience and personal knowledge. She approach friendly without Judgement, brilliant communication skill like she knows me ages. Thorough her continuous support I’m working on my weaknesses and strengths to achieve my goal. Thank you so much Miriam for your patience and willingness to help your community.

Bent Muhammad

ስሜ ሰላማዊት አሰፋ እባላለሁ የሜሪያም የላይፍ ኮች ሰልጣኝ ነኝ። በስልጠናው ያገኘሁት ጥቅም እራሴን እንዳውቅ አግዞኛል በፊት አልችልም፣የለኝም ብዬ የሌለኝን ነገር ምክንያት አድርጌ ቁጭ ነበር ያልኩት ስልጠናውን መውሰድ ከጀምርኩ ጀምሮ በእቅድ እና በፕሮግራም እራሴ ላይ መስራት ፣ ማሻሻል እና መቀየር ጀምራለሁ። ሌላው እራሴ ላይ ከሰራሁ ሁሉም ነገር ይቻላል የሚለውን ነገር ከስልጠናው አጊቻለሁ።


Selamawit Asefa

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